This is a reminder that one of our longstanding goals is to start every surgical procedure on time, especially the first case of the day.
In an effort to improve First Case On Time Starts, our IT staff developed an alert system using EPIC Haiku. These alerts will be sent beginning Tuesday, May 17 for first cases scheduled at the Main Tower OR and at NESC.
This app which many of you have on your phones, will send an alert similar to the screenshot pictured below with the message “Your first patient of the day has arrived in Pre-Induction”.
Click appropriate phone for the instructions (Apple iPhone or Samsung Android) on Haiku installation. Once installed, you will need to allow push notifications. All notifications will be on by default. If you want to turn off certain ones, you can click your photo in the top-right of the app, click Notification settings and scroll through the list and turn off specific ones.
Please note: Case Event is the one that must stay on in order to receive the notification.