Due to ongoing national backorders, the hospital anticipates their normal supply of blood collection tubes will remain on allocation. This problem exists across all of the Trinity Regional Health Ministries.

St. Joseph’s Health Supply Chain is still able to get product, but not as much as they have historically purchased. In light of this, we are asking that following conservation methods be implemented when drawing blood:

  • Extra Tubes – Do not draw extra specimens unless a test been ordered.
  • ED Rainbow – Consider whether it is necessary to proactively drawing a full rainbow of tubes on all ED patients as many of the extra tubes may be discarded.
  • Enter add-ons using the Add-On priority in Epic if additional blood tests are ordered. The Add-On requisition will print in the lab. The laboratory usually has an appropriate specimen for majority of add-on tests. The lab will notify the nursing unit if a new specimen is required. Please DON’T call the lab to ask if the lab has the appropriate specimen for an add-on.

Please contact Director of Hospital Operations, Laboratory Alliance of Central New York, LLC Maria Dillon at MariaDillon@LACNY.COM or 315.751.1168 with any questions.