What’s NEW?

Psychiatry Service consult requests will now be placed in EPIC, instead of leaving a message on the cell phone’s voicemail 315-448-6155.


Psychiatry Consult Service covers patients in the following locations:

  • Medical / Surgical Units
  • Hospital-based Women’s Services
  • ICUs
  • Observation Unit
  • Emergency Department for “holding” inpatient and observation status patients waiting for their hospital bed placement

When Can our Psychiatry Consult Service help?

  1. Acute psychiatric or behavioral symptoms complicating medical care
  2. Delirium not responding to standard treatment
  3. Medication management of substance use disorders
  4. Psychiatric evaluation of medically unexplained symptoms
  5. Risk assessment of suicide, self-harm, and violence

How to Enter the EPIC order?

  1. Search for order by typing in “psych”
  2. Enter information into the EPIC order.

Current “Psychiatric Consultations” Policy Changes in Green

1.0 An attending physician of a medical unit requesting a psychiatric consultation will contact the consult phone line at 315-448-6155.   place an order in EPIC.   Outstanding consults will be listed on the EPIC “system list.”

2.0 The consulting psychiatrist has 24 hours to complete the psychiatric consultation.

3.0 For Psychiatric questions, support prior or after in-person consult:
• Monday-Friday (except for holidays) 0730-1530 the following telephone number, 315-956-9711.
After business hours: The on-call psychiatrists’ schedule is available on Intellidesk which is located on the SJEN site under Work Tools.

“Psychiatry Consults” pending will listed in the “patient list” then “systems list”

Note: the patient listed on the consult list is still pending the completion of the consult documentation.  Once Psychiatrist completes their documentation, the patient is removed from the list.

When?:   Hospital wide usage to start October 4th, 2021.

  • Therefore, starting October 4th, you only need to place an Epic order.
  • Consult phone line at 315-448-6155 will remain live until November 1st to ensure notification to all providers.