Dear Colleagues,

Epic unifies and connects our network of care, allowing our organization to provide exceptional services to our patients.  As part of our continuous improvement efforts to ensure we have the most current technology available, an Epic upgrade to version 2021 is scheduled for Thursday, April 22, 2021. The update includes changes to the Epic software that further improves features and functionality for our end users.

The purposes of the upgrade include reducing financial risk through regulatory compliance, continuing to ease our future transition to the TogetherCare platform by introducing some smaller changes now and adding new features to saving time and improving patient care.

One of the most-notable changes in this upgrade is the addition of Epic’s Storyboard which is a more robust version of the patient header, enabling quick access to key details and common tasks without switching screens.  Storyboard presents users with a summary of key information before seeing a patient.  Many applications have created a customized tip sheet reflecting the change.  General information about Storyboard and the use of it can be found in the General Updates for All Users subsections of the Epic 2021 folder in the SJLinked Library. 

There are more than 70 Tip Sheets for the Epic 2021 upgrade on SJHEN which have been categorically sorted by individual application and/or user role which can be found in the SJLinked Library.  Highlights of some of the contents of the documentation in the Library include:

·       General Updates for All Users: Contains enhancements or changes that all users should be aware of.

·       Ambulatory: Tip sheets and information for colleagues with ambulatory workflows including new looks for episodes of care and speeding up follow-up documentation.

·       Anesthesia: Tip sheets and information on intraprocedural workspace redesign enhancements.

·       ASAP: Tip sheets and information on streamlined efficiency tools for the Track Board.

·       Cadence/ADT/Prelude:  Tip sheets on the enhanced look and feel of many features and the new travel and exposure screening workflow.

·       Clinical Documentation:  Tip sheets on customizing the patient list, summary, sidebar reports.

·       Cogito Tip Sheets on enhancements to dashboards and customization of measures in SlicerDicer.

·       Downtime (BCA) Information on easier review of downtime reports.

·       Hospital Billing and HB Claims: Tip sheet on Storyboard for Guarantor Account Maintenance.

·       HIM: Information on the New Deficiency Completion Activity and Overlay Workqueues.

·       Optime:  Customized Storyboard Tip sheets by role.

·       Orders:  Tip sheets for med. reconciliation, blood administration, other time saving tools and more.

·       Professional Billing and PB Claims: Tip sheets on workqueues enhancements, streamlining of claims, Storyboard and more.

·       Cupid and Radiant:  Tip sheets for order entry and unsuccessful attempts.

·       Willow Tip sheets for Pharmacists on a revamped activity for compounded and repackaged medications and Pharmacy Technicians have a redesigned Compounding and Repackaging activity.

·       Wisdom: Tip sheets contain information on the treatment plan enhancements for streamlining work.

In addition to the user interface changes, patients can also look forward to a fresh new look for the My St. Joseph’s patient portal and medication instructions that are translated into the patient’s preferred language on the After Visit Summary. 

Epic 2021 Upgrade training opportunities will be disseminated as the upgrade approaches.  Please watch your email for important updates and complete any necessary training. 

You will be learning more about the Epic 2021 upgrade as we get closer to April 22.

Looking for more information about the upgrade?

A list of all the Epic 2021 upgrade tip sheets and end-user documentation can be found at

Have questions?

SJH Epic Upgrade Support Channel in Microsoft Teams contains upgrade resources and a live chat where questions can be posted regarding the Epic 2021 upgrade. 

Click the following weblink to access the Upgrade Support Channel [ SJH Epic 2021 Upgrade Support Teams Channel ] or paste this link  in your web browser. You may be asked to login with your network credentials.