As you know we have been monitoring higher than normal COVID positivity rates within our community.

In an effort to keep patients, staff, and visitors as safe as possible we have developed this document.

This is a reinforcement to our current Inpatient Visitation Guidelines of one person per day.

The document also reinforces screening requirements.  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements, and limited exceptions.

What we need from you:

  1. Be aware that all visitors are being handed this document upon entry.
  2. You are free to print additional copies as needed to share with patients, visitors, and staff.
  3. Staff should be educated and feel empowered to exercise their right to further restrict and end the visitation of any non-compliant visitors.
  4. We ask that non-compliant visitors on the unit be first reminded of their responsibility and our expectations.  And
  5. Security be contacted, after that, as needed, for additional support, to either insure compliance or facilitate the removal of non-compliant visitors.

If you have any questions please reach out to the Office of Patient Experience at 315.448.5559 or the Administrative Coordinators.

Thank you.

Frank Panzetta
Director of Patient Experience and Security