The importance of consistent and proper use of PPE cannot be underestimated. To minimize the risk of transmitting infections, please remember to always remain compliant with the following:

Eye Protection

  • ALL individuals in direct patient care areas interacting with patients must wear eye protection. Personal eyeglasses do not provide enough protection. Goggles or a face shield must also be worn.
  • To provide for personal comfort and preference, physicians and colleagues are permitted to bring their own American National Standards Institute (ANSI) certified goggles to work. All OSHA-approved safety glasses must have markings specified by the American National Standards Institute’s ANSI Z87. 1-2010 standard on both the lenses and the frame of the eyewear piece. If the lenses are Impact Rated, they also should have the manufacturer’s mark, followed by a “+” sign”.  Please note that the Employee Health Office must approve all PPE brought in and used by physicians and colleagues.


  • Physicians, colleagues and patients are best protected when both parties are wearing a mask.  Please remind / ask patients to apply a facemask any time someone enters their room.
  • Masks must be worn by all physicians/colleagues working in our hospital and across our care network before exiting vehicle unless alone at their workspace or enclosed office more than six feet away from other physicians/ colleagues or while they are eating or drinking.

Consistent use of PPE use & being fully vaccinated / boosted which is defined as having received all COVID-19 vaccine doses, including a booster dose as recommended by the CDC, is the best way to protect against infection.  Please continue to do your part to minimize the